Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week book bloggers post a new Top Ten list.

Laura Ashlee’s Top Ten Fictional Crushes
There’s some spoilers. Sorry!

1. Henry DeTamble from The Time Traveler’s Wife. This is probably the truest fictional crush I’ve ever had. Honestly, I’m not the type to gush over how much I wish some guy in a book were real. It’s just not my style. That said, I could fall madly in love with Henry. He’s just the perfect guy (you know, except for the time traveling). He has wonderful taste in literature and music, and he’s a librarian! He definitely deserves the #1 spot.

2. Ian O’Shea from The Host. I’m re-reading this book right now and remembering how much I really love Ian. He is so sweet. When he talks about holding her in her true form in his hands while during the insertion at the end, it just makes want to cry or something. That’s true love: one that can see beyond the alien and into the soul (pun totally intended).

3. Po from Graceling. This character is more like the type of guy I would like in real life (pretty much the opposite of myself). He’s tough and cocky and he picks at Katsa. He actually sounds a lot like my boyfriend. It would be incredible if they ever decided to make a movie of this because I would love to see them cast some gorgeous guy covered in piercings, jewelry, and tattoos. Po always sounded so exotic and sexy to me.

4. Kyo from Fruits Basket. That’s right. I’m throwing in some manga. I would guess that more people would choose Yuki over Kyo, but I always tend to love the underdog. I love the ones with problems or the ones who are really sensitive. If you’ve never read this series, Kyo is the first. He keeps all those feelings bottled up so when he does something sweet, it’s so sweet I could cry. He normally ruins it by yelling at someone after that, but I think that’s mostly for comic relief. He has so much to deal with. I just want to give him a huge hug.

5. Eric from the Sookie Stackhouse books. Do I really need to explain this? I think anyone who’s read this series will agree that Eric trumps all of Sookie’s love interests. I mean, I pretty much hate Bill. Sam is okay. Eric, however, he is a wonderfully complex character. I love it when it gets all weird about having feelings for Sookie. He tries so hard to be this cold vampire, but Sookie brings out the human in him. He loves her and I’m ready for him to admit it. He’s also pretty funny when he wants to be.

6. Kartik from the Gemma Doyle trilogy. There is just something about this exotic boy that makes me wish things had ended a little differently. I really loved Kartik. He always stood up for what he believed in. He was one of the best characters in the trilogy, and I really loved all of the characters in this story.

7. Peeta Mellark from The Hunger Games trilogy. I’m not sure I could love a character more than I love Peeta. My allegiance was decided half way through the first book. Gale never stood a chance next to Peeta. I usually end up rooting for the less popular guy in a love triangle. I came across so many people who loved Gale. I actually really dislike Gale. Peeta is so sweet and gentle. He’s the perfect amount of sensitivity needed to balance out Katniss.

Okay, that’s enough for me. Did you come up with ten? Tell me some of yours.

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  1. I agree about Eric! :-)

  2. Henry DeTamble is a great pick. Still one of my favorite books even though it's not a genre I read regularly.Carmel @ Rabid Reads

  3. I still have to read The Time Travelers! I've seen the movie but I know it doesn't hold a candle to the book. I like Po as well, even if it is an extremely odd nickname. My Top Ten

  4. Ian? really? I put Jared on my list!I just ordered Graceling, so I'll be curious to read about Po's character!

  5. Henry DeTamble made my number one spot as well. Great choice 🙂

  6. Some excellent choices! I am really going to have to give the Gemma Doyle series a try now that I see it made it on to so many of the lists today.

  7. I totally agree with you on Kartik! He's one of the best guys I've come across in YA.

  8. I did not come up with ten either — ended up with 8 and that was stretching it a bit. I'm actually surprised at reading everyone's lists! I really thought I'd be like, oh, yes, him too! But that hasn't happened.Go team Peeta.

  9. Woot for Ian! I adore him!

  10. Definitely Henry, Ian, Eric and Peeta! Some awesome choices on your list 🙂

  11. I think you are the first person to mention Peeta instead of Gale today. I loved him, too.This meme has just rekindled my crushes on the guys on my list. sigh!-Anne

  12. I need to read the rest of the Gemma Doyle trilogy so I can fall in love with Kartik! (I've only read A Great and Terrible Beauty). I'll ignore the fact that you don't like Gale! :)Thanks for participating in this week's topic!

  13. Several people have mentioned Henry DeTramble…I guess I'll just have to add The Time Traveler's Wife to my TBR pile 😉

  14. Nooo! You don't want Henry!!! Then you'll be cursed with time traveling fetus syndrome!!! NOOOOO!


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